Alright it's time for a science lesson, while I'm still able to. Sorry of I cough a bit too much. I'm going to show things. I've been saying a lot of unusual bizarre stuff, and I have for a while. I say things like how I am genetically immortal, and I have cell immortality. I can regenerate cells kind of like Deadpool and shit like that. I'm like a real life Wolverine. And I say all kinds of stuff. I say that I'm from a different species. I got microchips in my brain. Clearly insane crap, right? I'm going to prove it. I do it all the time, I prove this shit all the time.I'm going to do a little science lesson here. We're going to use Wikipedia resources, a few mainstream websites and stuff to back up what I say. Because this stuff, some people who have been doing research, I say these things and they know at least some of this. But they don't know most of it. They know that I'm talking about something real. But a lot of people don't have a clue, and they think, 'That's fucking crazy!'. Anyway I'm really sick. I'm going to try and get this done. Otherwise I'll just try again later. Sorry if I cough through this, because I'm so sick. I also have a giant parasite inside me. Kind of like one of those chestbursters from Aliens. Kind of like that. Only it's like, these things grow almost a hundred feet long. And I've got other shit that the government infected me with, some parasites and stuff to ensure that they finish the job because I won't fucking die. Because I kep regenerating and shit. More than Deadpool. Anyway, I'm going to die soon anyway. I'm saying I'm immortal, but I'm going to die? How does that work? Well. Well. I've just upset that worm inside me, it's starting to. I've just woke it up, it's starting to have an attack. Oh shit. Alright, now I'm going to try it. That's not good, bad timing. I've, upset it. Alright I'm going to try get this done. I need surgery to remove that shit, to pull that shit out of me. It's killing my insides. So, here we go. So, let's start.

Let's just get the microchip shit down. OK, let's have a look. That will do. OK, so this here is, you're not going to see it very well from. Anyway, just just to show I'm not making this up. Here's some of my head scans. I've got all kinds of microchips and shit in me. That's the one in my section, not just one microchip, a section of microchips in my basal ganglia. The gateway to memory. And basically, I was grown with this stuff in. This wasn't put into me. I was grown with it. You could say I've got 3 parents. Divine intervention, or extraterestrial intervention, or what the fuck's going on there? This shit's real. I got a section in my basal ganglia. I got one in each ventrical. It increases my internal bus speed, oh yeah. And I've got one in my eye that, the government tried to remove my entire eye. They wanted to drill holes in my head. Cut a piece of my brain out to study this shit. Thye want to take my whole eye out, to study the one in my eye. I used to have some autoimmune problems related to it here and there. Long story there but, not good that I'm coughing through this but I'll just do the best I can. Alright. Let's just close that.

So you might hear some things about vaccines, and babies being used for it and stuff like that. Only a small amount of that's true. So, if you're watching in the right resolution, I don't know if this is going to upload at the right resolution so hopefully you'll be able to read this. So we got MRC-5. 'MRC-5 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus.'. What that shit, hmm? A 14 week old aborted caucasian male. Well this is actually, I'll get a thing up here. A lot of the vaccines you have today, they're actually from my people. My genetic immortality people. And they've been growing, this is from one of my peoplefrom 1966. A baby from 1966, they've been growing his cells for decades ever since. And they've been inserting this shit into your vaccines. They've been infecting his cells, and using it as a host to do DNA translation and stuff. It's really sick, the shit that they're actually doing. I've got to remember to mention that stuff. There's a lot to say here. I'm only going to cover some of this. This isn't going to be a complete video. So, here we go we got MRC-5. It comes up the first thing, Wikipedia. It's talking about a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus. There was a female one in 1962. This one's from 1966, the fetus that they're using for all this. And a lot of other stuff that you'll never hear about. So, let's do a little bit of a read. It's going to be a bit of reading here. Ah, I've got a giant worm in my belly and it's attacking me. And other stuff as well. The government infected me with parasites to try and kill me because I won't fucking die. I will die, but, I'm immortal but I can still die. Let's read this, OK. Hopefully I don't have to redo this video. I'm doing a shit job here because I can't stop coughing. I actually brought some liquid here to try and see if it will pacify it. There's a reason why I changed my appearance too. You don't want to see what I look like now. I look like Deadpool. Got to get to that, remember saying that. So, MRC-5, we're in the Wikipedia entry for MRC-5. So, you can look this up for yourself. I'm going to read it right now. MRC-5, Medical Research Council. Hmm, sounds a bit like something else actually. We'll get to it. Cell strain 5, is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts as I said before, of a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus. This is actually from the UK. You know, one of my people from our old home in the UK before the other White people arrived. We're a different species mind you. If you don't know I said that before. The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 from the 7th population doubling of the original strain, and MRC-5 cells themselves are known to reach senescence in around 45 population doublings. Applications. MRC-5 cells were used to produce several vaccines including MMR, Varicella and Polio in years past. Infected MRC-5 cells cannot secrete the virus, but can be cultured in large volumes suitable for commercial production. Did you see what I just said? Have a read yourself if you didn't understand what I just said. Let's go to the next one.

So you got, Immortalised cell line. This is actually one of my people who they've triggered out immortality mode. So we're a different species, and we have what, they now call it genetic superpowers and all kinds of stuff. We're like real life Wolverine's and Deadpool's and shit. So yeah, I am immortal. I can still die, but I am immortal. Pretty sure if you cut my head off, I'm going to die. Because I can't grow back everything. I can't grow back tooth enamel. But I've grown back finger tips and all kinds of shit that should kill you. Long story there, but anyway. So, immortalised cell line. You got immortal cells. It's the real thing. So, this is going to be a bit of reading. Just for anyone who doesn't know this stuff.

There is something I wanted to show somewhere regarding telomere. Things that I say about the end of my DNA. Everyone's DNA has this telomere, and the way my genome works is that there's two switches to the god mode. And one of them regenerates the end of the DNA. So basically you get eternal cell replications. You can just regenerate cells as fast as physics will allow, forever. They just keep doing it. But everyone else, you can only divide cells a set number of times. So as I said before, there's a normal size before this, it's about 45 replications. Then it runs out and changes mode. But my cells don't do that. They just can do this forever. So, immortalised cell line. You can look this up on wikipedia. I'm doing this just so you can do a bit of research yourself into the stuff that I'm saying. Because this is very important. I'm probably going to be dead very soon. I live every day as though it could be my last. So I want to get this information out while I can, the best I can. I'm going to be doing a shit job, because I'm so sick. I mayt pass out during this video, so I'm just going to do the best job I can. An immortalised cell line is a population of cells from a multicellular organism which would normally not proliferate indefinately, but due to mutation have evaded normal cellular senescence and instead can keep undergoing division. The cells can therefore be grown for prolonged periods in vitro. It's in a lab. The mutations required for immortality can appear naturally, or be intentionally induced for experimental purposes. Immortal cell lines are a very important tool for research into the biochemistry and cell biology of multicellular organisms. Immortalised cell lines have also found uses in biotechnology. You know, this is sounding like superhero scifi shit, yeah? But this shit's real. This is all based on my people. There's a lot I wanted to say about that. I've just got to remember to say it because I'm so sick. I could talk for a week straight on all this shit. And a lot of information is starting to come out about this, but it's going to be a number of years before any of this is properly understood by the public. So much misinformation gets sent out with a little bit of truth. An immortalised cell line should not be confused with stem cells, which can also divide indefinitely, but form a normal part of the development of a multicellular organism. Sorry for this coughing. The pain I'm in from this giant parasite, right inside my body. Relation to the natural biology and pathology. There are various immortal cell lines. Some of them are normal cell lines (eg derived from stem cells). Other immortalised cell lines are the in vitro equivalent of cancerous cells. Cancer occurs when a somatic cell which normally cannot divide undergoes mutations which cause de-regulation of the normal cell cycle controls, leading to uncontrolled proliferation. I just want to say, the way cancer works, cancer is not really an immortal cell. But cancer cells grow rapidly and they stop doing their function, and they just consume resources and they just rapidly multiply. And depending on how fast they multiply, and how much resources they siphon, a cancer would typically be a function like a vampire upon your body and just use up all its resources and just overrun your body. Your body just gets the life sucked out of it, by cancer. Cancer cells are not truly immortal. They're actually weak. They're weaker than normal cells. Their cell walls are typically weaker, so that when you poison or something that damages the cell wall, targeted damage like chemo and all that kind of crap, the cancer cells are already weak, they can't repair themselves because they are already broken and dysfunctional. All they do is just replicate themselves and consume resources to do so. So things that would damage your cells would kill the cancer cells. So this is why they use poisons and stuff like this and radiation to kill cancer. It hurts your other cells, but it kills the cancer because the cancer is weak. But with what I got, this god mode shit, our cells don't get weaker, they actually get stronger. And then they can just regenerate forever. They can regenerate the DNA itself. The telomere at the end. And I'm hoping that these articles, I'm not sure if these articles here are going to mention the telomere thing. I might have to look that up to find the right article to find something somewhere to show what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I'm going to have to mention this myself manually. So anyway, it was about cancer. Talking about cancer, where was cancer. There we go. Immortalised cell lines have undergone simular mutations allowing a cell cycle which would normally not be able to divide to be proliferated in vitro. Like in a lab. The origins of some immortal cell lines, for example HeLa human cells, are from naturally occuring cancers. So cancer is pretty crap for anything. They'res not much use because it's weak and it dies anyway. It doesn't really live forever. It replicates with broken DNA as fast as it can until it just stops working. And it dies really easy and it's not really useful for anything. My cells on the other hand are literally the holy grail. The genetic function of this god mode shit that I got, that makes this immortal, is quite literally the holy grail. OK, the role and uses. Immortalised cell lines are widely used as a simple model for more complex biological systems, for example for the analysis of blah blah blah biochemistry and cell biology of mammalian, including human, cells. The main advantage of using an immortal cell line for research is its immortality.. The cells can be grown indefinitely in culture. So, this is why I say. Doctors keep trying to take samples, of my tissue samples to grow my cells and shit like this. A lot of crazy people say shit like that. They're just crazy. But this, they're getting their ideas from somewhere. Because this is real shit that they've heard from somewhere, and they think that they're the target of this stuff. We I am the target of this stuff. I've got this god mode, and this is why doctors and shit, this is why I'm in danger around doctors. This shit always happens. They take samples. They cut pieces out of me. They try to experiment on me. They try to kidnap me and tried to ship me across Europe over and over. They tried offering me shitloads of money to be their guinnea pig, because I wouldn't fucking die. And they found out what I was. A long story to this. I'm not safe around them. If you had like an alien that crash landed on this world. He wouldn't be safe in a hospital around doctors or anything. The government would come and kidnap him or whatever. An alien wouldn't be safe. I'm less safe than an alien would be. I'm not saying I'm an alien. In 2020, I must be the only one these days who's saying they're not an alien. I'm the pure genome that everyone else is saying is an alien. This conspiracy theory shit. I'm not saying I'm an alien. But everyone else is. But I'm in more danger, because of what I'm made of. My DNA and what it can do. I'm in more danger than an alien would be. OK, normally, in vitro. The origins of some immortal cell lines, blah blah blah, naturally occuring cancer. I've already said that. And we got here, simplifies, here we go, including blah blah blah. The main advantage of using an immortal cell line for research is its immortality. The cells can be grown indefinitely in culture. They've been doing this, they've been growing my people's cells. This sounds like final fantasy 7 sephiroth level shit. Well, this shit's real. This simplifies analysis, biology of cells which would otherwise have a limited lifespan. Immortalised cell lines can also be cloned giving rise to a clonal population which can, in turn, be propagated indefinitely. Do you see? Pay attention to what I just said. Read this stuff yourself and go over it and see what I'm actually saying. What that suggests. I'm not suggesting that they could do certain things. I'm saying, they've already done more than you can probably imagine. Now if I'm showing that I've got microchips in my head and shit, and I really do and I can show you the scans and shit, maybe you should think that there's some really funky shit that's going on. Maybe revise your version of what you think's going on in the world. So, let's find where I was up to. Which in turn can be propagated indefinitely. This allows analysis to be repeated many times on genetically identical cells, which is, you know, making clones and experiments on them. You know, imagine what they've done with my cells? Maybe there's more copies of me. This allows the analysis to be repeated many times in genetically identical cells, which is desirable for repeatable scientific experiments. This is in Wiki, Wikipedia. So, maybe you should pay attention to this, what I'm saying ere hey? The alternative, performing an analysis on primary cells from multiple tissue donors, does not have this advantage. Immortalised cell lines find use in biotechnology where they are a cost effective way of growing cells similar to those found in a multicellular organism in vitro. The cells are used for a wide variety of purposes, from testing toxicity of compounds or drugs to production of eukaryotic proteins. I've got to remember, I really wanted to mention an important point here when I do the other cellular thingy. I wanted to explain, something what was it. Ah yeah, the testing, the experiments and testing and shit. The stuff they've done to me and what they're actually doing with my cells and my people's cells. I'll just mention, I come from a family who do not look like me. But I do come from that family. What's going on, I'm a different species, and I have these other people in my family who don't look like me? What's going on there? Right, the situation is more complicated. It would take me a bit to explain, but I am a different species of human altogether. Long, long story to this. It would take some explaining to do for you to understand the situation. So limitations. Changes to normal origins. While immortalised cell lines often originate from a wellknown tissue type, they have undergone significant mutations to become immortal. It's not the case with my cells, it's a bit different. This can alter the biology of the cell and must be taken into consideration during the analysis. Further cell lines can change genetically over multiple passages, leading to phenotype differences among isolates and potentially different results depending on which and what strain, blah blah blah blah. Contamination with other cells. That's really obvious. Methods of generation. It can be a naturally occuring cancer which is pretty useless. Introduction of a viral gene, no no. Artificial expression of key proteins, this is one I wanted to mention before. Required for immortality, for example telomerase. That's what I'm talking about. This is the blank section at the end of your DNA, the telomere sections. We regenerate the end of our DNA. Instead of using it up, when it starts running low we just regenerate it. It's part of the god mode function that we have. That's a lot of explaining though. Which prevents degredation of chromasome ends, see ends, during replication in eukaryotes. That's what I'm talking about with the end of your DNA. I'm going to have to explain it now, so I don't forget later.

So, at the end of your DNA is a blank section. It's just blank. And this is like a buffer for cell replication. SO when your cell divides into two, and creates two daughter cells, what happens is a section at the end of your DNA is cut off as part of the process of dividing. So you lose a little chip at the end of your DNA. So each time this happens, each time you replicate, you lose a little chip at the end. And once all that blank DNA runs out, it starts eating into your active DNA. And your active DNA is actually at the end there, the last 3 or so percent. The rest of your DNA is what they call junk DNA. It's mostly leftover from old evolutions. It's not really that active anymore if at all. But most of the active DNA is at the end. So it starts eating into your active DNA, and your DNA becomes more unstable and more dysfunctional. The older you get, the more your cells replicate as they need to. And they're less likely to replicate, and you age and you inevitably get cancer. Now I can get cancer, but not in the same way. I'm very resistant to most cancers. You can say that because of the function of how my genome works, I can hypothetically be susceptible to certain cancers, but I'm generally resistant to a lot of cancers. I'm not 100% immune to cancer, but I can get it. But I don't get cancer due to age. Just the natural aging process, doesn't give me cancer like that. SO, we got methods of generation. Examples. OK that's about that. There's so many articles I could get. I have to go over this stuff. I'm just trying to rush through this.

So we got, cellular senescence. This is the mitosis of cells. Cellular senescence is a phenomenon characterised by the cessation of cell division. In their groundbreaking experiments during the early 1960's, Leonard Hayflick and Paul Moorhead found that normal human fetal fibroblasts in culture reach a maximum of approximately 50 cell popuolation doublings before becoming senescent. This process is known as replicative senescence, or the Hayflick limit. Hayflick's discovery or mortal cells paved the path for the discovery and understanding of cellular aging molecular pathways. Cellular senescence can be initiated by a wide variety of stress inducing factors. This is like Deadpool kind of stuff. So what did they do to the Deadpool? They put him through hell and tried to stress his body out to cause the initiation of certain genetic triggers. Now, under certain stressful situations, there's all kinds of genetic triggers that can activate. Things that are already in your DNA as a defence mechanism. But when it comes to my people, we've got some really funky god mode shit going on. So it's not predictable how to try and trigger it. You get infections, damage, extreme emotional stress, any kind of normally life threatening situation. Now obviously, experiments and shit that have been done to me and everything, I was triggered long ago. All this shit, a long story to that. So stress inducing factors and stuff, this is what they did to Deadpool. So, he had cancer from whatever cause he had. And they triggered this. Hypothetically, he would have been in the movie, he would have been one of my people without knowing it. So they've noticed that he is, and then they've tried to trigger his god mode in his DNA, based on my people. And it's turned on, and his regeneration has kicked in. So, Deadpool looks like crap, because this is part of the cell regeneration. This is, you grow more cells than you can shed. Now, you got Wolverine and Deadpool and stuff, it's based on this real thing that I've got. But obviously these are fictional stories, it's not 100% accurate. There's some things that they've got wrong or they had to change just to make it fit with the movie to make it fit better. But it's based on this real thing. I'm like a real life Deadpool. So these stress factors include both environmental and internal damaging events. Here's what I say about damage has triggered my god mode. Abnormal cellular growth. Oxidative stress. Yeah, sounds like what they did to Deadpool isn't it? Oxidative stress? Autophagy factors, among many other things. The physiological importance for cell sensecence has been attributed to prevention of carcinogenesis and more recent aging development and tissue repair. See what I'm talking about? This is all what I'm saying. And it's what these stories of mutants with super powers and shit, it's actually based on this shit, real shit. And I'm one of these. You can say that I'm one of the real life x-men. Anyway, cellular mechanisms, stress response and DNA damage. This is a long paragraph, maybe I shouldn't read all this. But you can read this yourself. Just trying to read a few important, here we go. Mechanicalistically, replicative senescence can be triggered by a DNA damage respose due to shortening of telomeres. So this is what happens when you get cancer. The shortening of telomeres, so when you run out of telomere, and DNA damage as it's saying here. What happens, it eats into the end of your DNA after you run out of telomere. And if it eats into it enough that it can damage it enough that a function doesn't work. It's like if you take computer code, and you remove bits of it. Anything could happen. Something might work differently, or something will just completely break and die. The whole thing will die. So if you were to do this over and over and over, and you get all kinds of unpredictable results, every now and then you're going to get some wierd shit happen. So this is what they try to do when they try to get normal human cells to try and make them into a fucked up semi broken cancer like, pseudo-immortal. Not like my cells, my cells have got true immortality. But they try to do this with normal DNA damage response. So anyway, cells can also be induced to senescence by DNA damage in response to elevated reactive oxygen species. Does it sound familiar to Deadpool, doesn't it? Activation of oncogenes and cell-cell fusion. Normally, cell senescence is reached through a combination or variety of factors, both telomere shortening and oxidative stress. the DNA response arrests cell cycle progression until DMA damage such as double strand breaks, blah blah blah are repaired. If you read all this, it's what I've been talking about for ages. I say some really crazy shit, but this is all real. And if you don't know this, this is like a very big rabbit hole. And it might be disturbing when you realise what's going on. And what I am. Anyway, what's here, role of telomeres. Telomeres are DNA tandem repeats at the end of chromasomes that shorten during each cycle of cell division. Just as I was saying. This is what they do, each time your cell divides a little bit is cut off. Lately, the role of telomeres in cellular senescence arouses general interest, especially with a few to the possible genetically adverse effects of cloning. Let me fix this up, I pressed the wrong thing, hang on. Sorry about that. So, basically, if you are trying to clone a typical human. Probably whoever is reading this, or like dolly the sheep for example. You're also cloning the telomere reduction. So you can't really clone human people properly like that. It isn't going to work. But with my immortal cells, I can be cloned, forever. You can just clone my cells and do whatever the fuck you want with my DNA, forever. My DNA is worth more than gold. You can say that this is worth more than the entire planet, this kind of immortalised cell shit that I've got. Because this isn't just a cancerous broken function. This is an entire complex evolutionary thing. It's like a highly evolved system, however the fuck it happened. There's a long story to that. Let's go, the successive shortening of chromasomal telomere within each cell cycle is also believed to limit the number of cell divisions of the cell. Of course it does. Contributing to aging. It's a big factor to aging, and humans have a capped life span as mammals do, because of this telomere function. You run out of telomere, and your cells can't divide properly anymore, and each time it does divide, your DNA becomes more and more unstable, because it's eating into your DNA. But it doesn't do that with mine. Mine just keeps regenerating back up that empty telomere. But there are certain species who don't have that function. You might hear about this certain species that they say are immortal, like lobsters. In a certain way lobsters are immortal. I'm not sure if they have the same kind of function, or something completely different. But, there's certain creatures, certain life forms on this planet that have different types of immortality. And they can basically live forever. But they die from other things. I think with lobsters, I think it's their size. I think they just grow too big and something to do with their shell or something. But anyway, you get what I'm saying. So, aging. Some cells do not age and are described as being biologically immortal. There's a little, a state in which the rate of mortality from senescence is stable or decreasing, thus decoupling it from chronological age. Various unicellular and multicellular species, including some vertebrates, achieve this state either throughout their existence or after living a long time. It's basically saying what I'm saying. So, just what I said. Yeah, certain species like certain vertebrates and stuff like that can technically live forever. You hear about 5,000 year old trees and things like that. And vertebrates that live, basically talking about what I just said. Theoretically, it is possible upon the discovery of the exact mechanism of biological immortality to genetically engineer cells with the same capability. Yeah, so all these scientists doing fucked up shit, they're trying to use my cells and, I'll say this right now before I forget. What they're doing, is they're taking cells from the likes of me. They're growing them in labs. And they can just use them as a cell culture and just keep growing them. And do whatever the fuck they want with it. And one of the many things they're doing, is they are infecting these cells with viruses and shit. And they're creating viruses in such a way that it takes pieces of my genome, select pieces of my genome, and then they insert this into you as a vaccine. And they say, 'OK, we're infecting you with this dead virus'. And even if the virus is dead, some DNA transcription and shit can actually happen. But it often isn't dead, or they'll use it as, they'll do 2 viruses. They will do a dead virus that you know about, and then they will have another one that infected you that they don't tell you about. There's all kinds of fucked up shit that goes on there. SO basically what happens is, when they're actually injecting you with these vaccines, they're injecting you with the cells of the likes of me, and a 1966 fetus. So when they say, 'Oh, they're injecting people with fetal cells' and stuff like that, it's only partially true. A lot of this is based on a 1966 aborted fetus. The cells they've been growing in a cell culture, all the way from 1966. Because these are immortal cells, they are still growing. They have no chronological age. One of those cells today, is identical to the one in 1966. So, you see how much danger I'm in, what these people are fucking doing with a living test subject like me. Can you imagine what they have done to me already, to trigger this god mode? I should have died over and over. I've been nuked in radiation chambers. Bits and pieces cut out of me. I need surgery to remove a parasite that they put into me. I'm going to die any time now. No-one will help me. I need surgery. I need to rip this thing out of me. And then I need to get rid of the other parasites they put in me. I can cure it all, but the big one, the giant worm that's in me, I need this removed ASAP. That's what's going to kill me, immediately. So, senescent cells affect tumor suppression, wound healing and possibly embrionic/placental development and a pathological role in age related diseases. What else we got? Some cells do not age and are described as being biologically immortal. Genetically engineered. The length of the telomere strand has senescent effects, telomere shortening activates extensive alterations in alternative RNA splicing that produce senescent toxins such as progerin, which degrade tissue and make it more prone to failure. basically it's saying that they need more of my shit. And it's worth more than gold. And they can do some really good things with my cells, or some very, very evil things. And that's what i'm saying. They're injecting you with the cells of the likes of me and my kind of abilities. And what they're doing is the virus is like the middle man. The virus takes pieces of DNA out of the cells of the likes of me. And they take that DNA into your cells, and then they infect your cells. And when they go in your cells, these viruses that use this DNA from me, they select pieces of DNA, and insert it into key locations of your DNA. So the cells that get infected, it changes the DNA of them. And that can produce all kinds of effects. Some of them positive, some of them negative. So, you might have heard about creating super soldiers. Gene therapy and stuff. This is what they're doing, this is what it is. So, you could use it to modify a normal human, to modify at least some of their cells. You might render them sterile if you're unlucky. Maybe if you're lucky, they will be able to have children. But those children, even if they don't end up being sterile, those children won't reproduce those same abilities that are cultuvated through gene therapy. They will just have their same old DNA. It's only affecting the infected genes in cells that are infected. But, you can use gene therapy like this to harvest my genetic abilities, and insert them into a normal soldier to give them at least some of my abilities. You think they haven't done this already? But at the same time, this is russian roulette. If you were to attempt that, at least 99 times out of every 100 you're just going to give them auto-immune problems or cancer or whatever. You're just going to fuck up. If you're taking bits of code and you just change them, out of a computer program, chances are you're just going to break it. But if you try it again and again and again, and you observe the results, every now and then you might get something that seems to make it work a bit better. So, there's a lot of harm, but there's some potential good in it. But a lot of people suffer and die along the way. So, there's a lot more here. I won't go through everything. Pathways. Characteristics of senescent cells. There's so much. This is Wikipedia, so they have links to different things. Wikipedia is normally watered down on a lot of things. But when it comes to stuff like this, it's worth looking into at Wikipedia. Other subjects like politically related, you're not going to get shit on Wikipedia. But at least with this kind of stuff, it's not so tainted with bias. Look elsewhere. Just look over the internet. I'm just offering this Wikipedia as a starting point. I didn't get this stuff off Wikipedia. I just went and grabbed all this stuff. I've got other links here up the top here, tonnes of shit. I just grabbed links from all kinds of places, to see what I could find to back up what I say. I'm not getting this information from all these websites. I've known this for a long time. I've been experimented on for a long time. I'm the target of this kind of shit, so this is why I know all this shit. Fuck this worm. Alright, so, what else. I think I'll just go to the next thing now.

OK, let's go to the Ashkenazi Jews. Interesting topic that I've got to be really careful what I say here. because I want to stick this on Facebook without it getting banned. SO, these people who say they're Ashkenazi Jews, are not Ashkenazi Jews. Let's take the word Jew out of it, because Ashkenazi's and Jews are two separate things. Jews are a guild. I can't say anything more than that here, because I don't want to go to the trouble of getting banned. But Jews are not a race or a religion or anything, they're a guild. An old guild, and they're pretending to be someone else. They're pretending to be my people. So, when it comes to the true chosen people of the Torah and the Old Testament bible and all that kind of stuff, there's no Jews in that. These are different people. The chosen people in those books that Jews and Christians and even Muslims follow, they're actually White people. the Whitest of people with red hair. So even here it says, the true Ashkenazi's. 99 perfent of people who call themselves Ashkenazi are not Ashkenazi. They're just from this guild of, I'm not allowed to say it. So get rid of the word Jew here. Descended from 350 people, the study finds. So basically, there's one group of these people who actually are these people. And there's only a tiny minority of them. But as you can see, these are the people of Scotland and Ireland. The White redheads. These aren't brown, they don't have brown skin and black hair and brown eyes. They have red hair and green eyes and white skin. Just like the old Bible books and everything say. Look, it's from times of Israel. Now this is from a Jewish website admitting this. This is the true chosen people, are the White redheaded people, mostly around Scotland and Ireland. They are not the current Middle Easterners or anything like that. These are completely different people. They are impostors. There's a lot of misinformation and stuff. So, anyway, these are just one small group who didn't make it into Scotland. I'll show you a map. Soon, you'll see this. Here we go, distribution of red hair map. Here's a good one. Yeah I'll just use this one. This will do. OK, so, you see here in red is the most strongest population of it. So you got Scotland, which is north of the British Isles, and Ireland, and is that Wales I think it is? But it's mainly around Scotland right. Scotland and Northern Ireland. And you can see over on the far right there, I think that's the Volga river. There's a group of my people who were clustered over there. But they're largely separated and I don't think there's any purebreds left. Basically the main stock of my different species of people, are pretty much the Scottish people. And there's the Basques, they potently have our DNA. They're mixed people but they mixed with our people and they kept some of the culture and language. I'll get to that. You can see this, I come from here, I am one of these people as far north west as you can get. So what do we got here, Basque. Here we go. The origin of the Basques and of their language is not conclusively known, though the most accepted current theory is that early forms of Basque developed before the arrival of Indo-European languages in the area, including the Romance languages that geographically surrounded tbe Basque speaking region. So what they are all saying is that my people were there long before anyone else. My people were everywhere long before everyone else. We are a very ancient people, and the Basque language is, these are just mixed people, White people who are mixed in with my people. They're not genetically pure, but because of their genetic makeup and evolutionary choices they made, they managed to retain certain potencies of certain traits. And they kept some of the old culture and language and stuff that has been long forgotten. This might be the language I'm talking about 13,000 years ago. That kind of shit. Anyway, you can see I'm not making this stuff up. There's a big rabbit hole here. Let's see what I got, I think I did some more. I wanted to show some more stuff about the Basque people and the red hair and language and stuff. I'm not sure if I had all of that stuff.

So here we go, we'll just go to the gene stuff. So, this is one of the most known things. MC1R gene. This is what they used to say, 'Well this is the only reason redheads are different than everyone else. They're not a different species, they don't have genetic superpowers. No, they just, they're bastards. They're corrupt, they got a genetic fault. Maybe they're inbred or some shit. They're just failures, they're weak, inferior, broken. And it's just one broken gene from inbreeding or some shit that they got. They got all this bizarre shit happened all at once. Just the wrong gene at the wrong time and it just fucked everything up right?'. All bullshit. So this is the old myth that it was just one gene. And I went through all this shit as an experiment target. I know all this shit. But I understand that a lot of people don't know. So, even today a lot of people propagate the myth that it's just this one MC1r gene. This is one of the first that have been publically identified. This is really old now, but the myth still goes on. So this is just one gene. And then others were discovered. More and more was discovered. And then, they found this person that person that person, they see the same trait, they have the same physical traits too, track down this, track down that. And they basically confirmed what used to be know, is that, OK, this is an entire actual genome. It's not a mutation, it's not a flaw. And then they were discovering all the superpowers we have and shit like that. but anyway, I said before, I said the MRC-5, and we got MC1R. That's a bit coincidental. They sound so similar. But ayway, this is what the receptor, the gene they used to say was the main cause of hair colour.

I'll just say something about hair colour and eye colour. So, with our hair and eye colour, it changes. It can change within a range, depending on environmental and personal factors. Mostly environmental factors. And to look at pictures of my hair and eye colour across my life, it has changed within those ranges. It's typical for my people. Our hair and eye colours, there's a complex network of things that create our hair and eye colours. Whereas the rest of you it has a very simple cause. Like very simple genetic causes. But there's a whole bunch of environmental factors and stuff that affect our hair and eye colour. And it's all complicated.

So I was going to show this. OK, we got MC1R has also been reported to be involved in cancer independent of skin colouration. So this isn't to do with actually my people. Anyway, developmental processes and susceptibility to infections and pain. This is talking about a completely different genome. So, for example, AIDS. AIDS is, obviously the Black population has a massive AIDS problem and White people have much less. But they're all pretty much susceptible to it right. But then you hear about these certain people who seem to be immune to AIDS or almost immune to AIDS. What's going on there? Well actually, my people, we're not fully immune to AIDS, but we are very resistant to it. And the simply reason is because we are so genetically distant to the rest of you. AIDS is compatible with your DNA. But my people, we're so genetically distant that normal human diseases, not all of them but at least some of them, don't work on us, at least not as well. Because we're not as compatible with that virus or whatever. Because it's kind of evolved or tailor made for humans of a different genome. This is why you get animal diseases that just don't work on humans, because they require certain gene sequences they interact with and feed off basically, that other species don't have. But every now and then, you get something that works for across species, and you get plagues like the pig virus and shit like that. It doesn't happen often, but every now and then it does and it can be devastating. Because we're so genetically different, we're a different species, this is why we have a resistance to things like AIDS. So, there's a lot I could say here, but it's something to look up if anyone wants to look into that. I'm trying not to pass out here, because this giant worm I've got in my belly is doing things. OK, I'll skil that. I just thought I'd show it.

OK, here we go. Redhead genetic superpowers. So I say, I come from a different species and we have genetic superpowers and people are saying that we're like X-men mutants and shit like that. And that sounds fucking crazy! But look, here we go, look this up on google. And we've got New York Post, science shows redheads have genetic superpowers. And we have news dot come dot au, redheads have genetic superpowers science says. These are all around 2017. So late 2017, this started becoming public. There's a lot more to go. There's going to be a lot of changes with information that comes out. There's still a lot more to come out. So we got gq says science confirms redheads are equipped with some wierd genetic superowers. They have a higher pain threshold. They know when it's getting cold, we're hypersensitive to temperature but we've got a higher pain threshold. We don't need any vitamin D, in fact we generate our own. Now when the sun of this solar system dies, unless you have evolved some bizarre shit to survive without it, you need that sun. I don't. I can go into a space ship right now in artificial light, live the rest of my life perfectly fine. I don't need sunlight to generate vitamin D for example. I generate that shit inside my body, independently. But even other White people, they still need some degree of sun. They're just efficient at it. But I'm something completely different. I can create this stuff inside my body. And you need the sun to help you generate that. That's a bit concerning because if the rest of mankind hasn't worked out a way to generate vitamin D when you have to leave this world and the sun's getting unstable and it's in its final stages, you're going to have to find some way to generate sunlight. Simulate it in order to generate vitamin D. It's going to be really complicated to be able to survive off this, without this sun. I mean it's possible but it's going to be not easy. Unless you can infuse yourself with my genome or some shit, who knows. We got 'scientific research shows redheads have genetic superpowers'. Usually people with red hair are maligned and criticised by society. We'll get to that. There's a reason why we're so hated. That's consciousreminder dot com, don't know that website. We got, this is what I keep showing. It's all over the place. This isn't some random bizarre website making shit up. You can look this stuff up, it's actually getting quite wellknown. Redheads have genetic superpowers, marie claire Australia. Redheads have genetic superpowers, research shows, the power of silence. Science trends, there we go, redheads from science trends. Redheads they have genetic superpowers, science trends. Here's one saying 4 superpowers redheads have. We have a completely different skeleton. A different number of bones. Even a different number of teeth. We are a different species. If we dye oiur hair, we may look pretty much like you. Unless you know what to look for, we could pass as you. But the closer you look, the more different we are. Here we go, 'no, redhead people don't have genetic superpowers'. From ranker dot com. Here we go, editors note, 'We've corrected a previous version of this article which incorrectly claims redheads have genetic superpowers. Read the updated version'. Ranker dot com. That sounds like a fact checking website, and we know how anti-White they are, don't we? I look this up, and there's only one saying otherwise and it looks like someone's just not happy about it. Look this stuff up, it's all true.

Let's go to RH negative. I hope I can survive to do the rest of this video. I'm not well. This giant parasite inside my body, it's moving around and it's hurting me. Can you imagine what it's like to have a chestburster from Aliens inside your body? Only it's at least a few metres long, probably up to 80 feet long. That's what I have to put up with, but no-one will help me get surgery. I can't get surgery because the government will kidnap me and chop me up. So, Rhesus Factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you are RH positive. I'm sure, I've got an article up. I must have closed it. RH negative comes from my people. Now, because my people have been massively genocided, part of that genocide is to do with royal family lines of different kingdoms throughout history. They rape my people and try to produce offspring with them. But because we're a different species, there's a massive mortality rate and it's not very compatible. And it's a mortality rate to the mother as well. A very high rate that the mother will die, not just the baby. So it's very difficult to reliably produce children. But they try and harvest our genes, because we are the real chosen people of the old times. And because we're known to have, basically our genome and our blood is the holy grail. So you got like Jesus said with the holy grail. What did he fill the holy grail with? Symbolically his blood and his flesh. People thought he was talking about cannibalism, and clearly he was being symbolic. And this is what he was talking about. The RH blood group. if you're RH negative, you don't have this monkey gene that everyone else has, because we're so evolutionarily distant. If you have RH negative blood, it will attack RH positive people as though it's a foreign threat. So if an RH negative mother has an RH positive child, they will both die. A big war will happen. But, I'm about to pass out so. Anyway, if you look into the Rh factor, basically this comes from my people. And some royal family lines have tried to harvest our genes in order to justify their claim to what they call divine right to rule. Because they're trying to gain some kind of loose genetic connection to my people. Because they know my people are the only ones that have that divine right to rule. So they're trying to steal it, trying to harvest it. There's a lot I could say for a long time on RH stuff. There's a lot of misinformation about it. But this is one of the reasons we are classified as a different species. Now, if you are RH negative, that doesn't necessarily mean you're one of my people. What it probably means in most cases, is you had one or more ancestors that were my people, and that you're probably a cross breed between my people and that. You probably have at least a few family members in recent generations who are redheads. Not just normal redheads, redheads with green eyes. And they may have unusual stories about doctors with excessive interest in them. Taking samples from them, having strange anomalies to their bodies and function and stuff like that. There's a big question mark over them and what they are. So if you have any RH negative in your family, or RH negative in you, just look for some redheads and you'll be able to track down what's going on. And in most cases you'll see that these people who are of this pure bloodline, they will have a lot of similar stories about excessive interest by people with knives cutting pieces out of them and shit. There's a lot I could say on the RH positive and negative stuff. I obviously forgot to bring all the windows up. And I'm trying not to pass out here. If I need to I'll just stop and I'll continue later.

OK, so we got clowns here. So, if you look at a clown, a typical clown is white skin, red hair with ar ed sun burned nose. And they are like a jester, they are to be made fun of. And they're despicable and evil and stuff. I'll get a good example of it. Typical clown here.This is a typical textbook clown. The 'It' clown or whatever it is. This is a trashing of my people, because the criminal parasites who are trying to claim to be my people, from certain guilds and stuff like that, pretending to be my people. They hate my people. These are kind of like vampires, vampiric kind of people and they're trying to impose themselves as me and my people. But they're not, and they've stolen a lot of things and they've done a lot of really bad things. And they need to cover that up and if the truth gets out they will lose everything. And, they'll be hunted down for what they have done. But they're scared of my people and hate my people and this is why they spread all these lies about my people and portray us as being such evil despicable mockery of cteatures. So what else have we got here. Here we go, here's an example.International kick a ginger day. November 20th 2020. So November 20 every year, that's exactly a week after my birthday actually. So kick a ginger day. In such a politically correct insanity world, yet this shit's ok? We all know, the straight White male is the most persecuted of all with an obsession. Why are they so obsessed with shitting on straight White males? Well let's get more specific. It's not just all straight White males. Most importantly it's those with red hair as well and green eyes. This is a targeted genocide. This stuff doesn't come from nowhere. It's been culturally, artificially, put in to culture, to persecute my people. This has been going on for a long time. This is this hatred and fear of my people, because they know what's coming. They're all thieves and they're trying to delay and stop what's coming, and they're scared shitless. They're trying to genocide my people, and impose themselves as my people. And you see here. There we go, gingers don't have souls. An image search you see. I'm sure everyone would know about this. The 'gingers don't have souls' meme. This is all the same shit that's been going on for a long time. And obviously it got a bit more famous with that boy who had a rant, saying 'I have a soul!'. You see in a lot of these pictures here. But this doesn't come from nowhere. This is a targeted genocide of my people. It's an obsessive genocide of my people it has been going on for a long time.

So we got here, here we go. So I mentioned in my story, I mentioned things about what happened 13,000 years ago with genetic cross breeding between my people and an extraterrestrial species. And this happened more than once. And they're trying to harvest my people's genetics as well. You're not getting alien hybrids with Black people, or even Asian people. No, they're White people. And not just any White people. If you look, this is all historical evidence everywhere. It is the White red heads who are being the obsessive target of this. So these aliens aren't interested in the rest of mankind's genes. They're trying to harvest the shit that's worth more than gold. They're trying to harvest these powers that we have. So if you look at the Paracas from America. And this is just one of many examples. The Paracas are redheads, if you look at all this. Look at this in Youtube search. They had red hair, these alien looking skulls and shit, and all these anomalies. It's always associated with red hair. I mean, the ancient Egyptian Pharoahs, before they were invaded over and over and taken over, these are the White redheads of my people. Ramses II, his DNA and King Tut. Look at their DNA stuff. This shit gets deleted everywhere. I've got playlists with tonnes of videos and they're all deleted. Channels, videos, all deleted. Everything gets censored everywhere. They lose their shit over this stuff. I mention any of this genetic stuff anywhere with any evidence on my people, I talk about my people anywhere on the internet, it all gets shut down. So who knows if this is going to get shut down. And that's why I said before, I have to be careful of what I say. If I say too much, my Facebook account will just get deleted or some shit or banned. This happens to me over and over. I have to be careful how much I say. So the Paracas of what, Peru I think it is. They had red hair. These were, obviously, look at what they are.These are some of these hybrids kind of stuff, with my people.

What else have we got here. Here's a good example. So, I like to say I've got more battle experience than Solid Snake. Because of my cell regeneration, I grow so many cells so fast that I get damage. The damage that gets done to me is because I can't shed cells fast enough. And my body is just trying to sandpaper itself to try and shed these cells that can't. Imagine that, your body can shed cells right? Just like a tree can shed leaves. Imagine if your leaves of your tree or cells of your body, are growing so fast that your body can't shed them as fast as they grow. This is like Wolverine Deadpool level shit. This is why Deadpool looks a mess. It's because he's got this condition, this so called condition we have with this regeneration, this god mode shit. So, this is an image of me in many battle experiences. This isn't the cell regeneration damage. This is just showing me beaten after 30 haymakers to the head and shit. I've got a lot of battle experience. Shit you wouldn't believe. But the point of this is, because of the cell regeneration, I need damage to heal. Damage heals me, because it damages the excess cells and it slows down the replication. Because it's killing cells and shit. And if it damages the DNA, it takes time to regenerate the DNA before they replicate again. So I need damage to heal me. So when I get into fights and shit like that, or even when I get poisoned and shit depending on what it is, this stuff can actually heal me not damage me. So being in fights and shit, I'm made for war. Being in war, that heals me. It doesn't damage me. Damage heals me. As bizarre as that sounds.

Here's a little picture of me up. My armoured suit. This stuff, this is in my nature. This is what I am. It all comes naturally to me.

Here's a picture, a photo of some of my brain scan stuff. I've been experimented on, all kinds of shit. But this was to do with sleep studies to measure my brainwaves and stuff like that. But anyway, basically this is just one page of it. My brainwaves defy their understanding of the laws of physics, at least at the time. They had wires in my head and shit to try and study how my brain works. And apparently while I'm asleep, my brain is showingmore activity, organised conscious type activity, when I'm asleep, than the normal human has when they're awake. And they couldn't understand it. You know what the consequences of that are, obviously more experiments and blah blah blah blah blah. I will say in this case when they were doing all the brain scans and all that kind of stuff, they knew that I was different and they knew what I was. And these people, they wanted to learn more about me. But they showed me a lot of respect, and they weren't like vampires upon me. They genuinely seemed to want to do research and learn about me. And they also wanted to help me. Not everyone is like that. And oviously the information they got, would have got shared around to others, one way or another, others who would want to do bad things with me. But the people then, they were good to me, and they knew that bad things had been done to me by doctors for a long time. So they wanted to help me, which is a rare thing.

So here we go. Here's The Last Supper. This is the last supper of Jesus, with a bunch of his disciples.This is obviously a cryptic message, but everyone knows it's a cryptic message. But no-one's been able to translate it. I'm trying not to black out here, I'm trying my best. So sorry if I struggle a bit. So with this famous drawing, there's differnt copies of it have been given down through the ages. But basically, Jesus is not wearing a White robe. He is wearing a red robe. And if you look, there's two different parties in this picture. So you got the ones in red robes, arguing with the other group. So it's the reds against everyone else, two different groups. And the red robe ones, they all have red hair. I think there's one of them who has grey hair, so he was probably a red head who's gone grey. But this is all symbolic colouring. So, Jesus has red hair and a red robe. And all these other ones on his side, who think that he's the one. They are the same people, they think that he's the one. They're biased, of course. And they all have red hair and red robes. And the non-reedheads are a little bit jealous of that. And they are like, 'He's not the one, he's not the one, he'snot the one!'. But all the redheads are like, 'He's the one, he is the one!'. So both sides are being biased, and Jesus is there trying to talk, as you can see, and no-one slistening to him. Except for there's one man who's not a red head either. He's someone else, but he's in the background. He's the only one who's not sitting at the table. And he's hiding in the background there, if you can see him, with his finger pointed up in the sky. He's pointing up to the true messiah, because Jesus didn't claim he was the messiah. No-one listened to what he said. They just kept going on with some stupid shit. They were convinced before he was born that he was the one. And he tried to explain things, and they ddin't listen. But anyway, there's one in the background, the only one who's actually listening to Jesus. This is about the chosen people who are red heads, and the true messiah who Jesus was not, but he referred to the messiah who would come. There's a long rabbit hole there I've gone in extensive detail there in many videos.

So, more Basque stuff. What was this? Here we go, Basque has the highest genetic frequency of, I think this was something to do with the redhead stuff. One of the reasons for the assumption of Basque antiquity and purity are genetic peculiarities of the Basques. Because of the genetis of my people that they have inherited. Foremost among them is that the Basques seem to have the highest frequency of Rh negative in the world. Primarily because o the high frequency of the null allele within the population. It is a recessively expressed trait.

There was something else, here we go. The Basques may not be who we think they are. This is from discover magazine. And it's a long article here, but basically the Basques are as I said before, they carry some of my people's old culture and language and stuff. And their language has no conection, no-one knows. It's completely alien from everything else. You go look at all these other languages in the world. You can see they camke from this, they came from that. And there's a big map you can build of everything. And then there's this group over here, who's got nothing to do with no-one. And no connection to anyone. And they got all this culture and language and stuff that's completely alien. No history from anywhere else, it's been self contained and doesn't seem to be influenced by anyone else. This is what I'm talking about. This is to do with my people who are very separate to everyone else.

What else there was, there was one more. Here we go, Basque language anomaly. This was what I was talking about. Let's have a look. The mysterious origins of Europe's oldest language. It predates everything else. BBC, even BBC say this. A language that's spoken in autonomous communities and blah blah blah. It has no known origin or relation to any other language. An anomaly that has stumped linguistic experts for ages. And if you look, scroll down and you'll see that, there's tonnes of shit you can find on this stuff.

TRhat's all the links I just got before. If I wasn't so sick, I could just sit here and go on for 12 hours straight. And then do that for many other days in succession. But I wanted to do this video, it's been over an hour now, I managed to get it done. But I wanted to do this video, just to introduce people to, if anyone's is interested in the crazy sounding stuff I say about, I'm a different species, about being immortal and stuff like that. Here we go, I'll do it again.

I'm immortal. I've got rapid cell regeneration like Deadpool or Wolverine. I have a completely different skeleton than you. I can generate nutrients inside my body that you can't. I've got microchips in my head. I've been experimented on all over the place, and tissue samples. I say a lot of crazy sounding stuff. But it's all true. And it can all be proved to anyone who listens. I don't have as much ability to debate as I did, but as long as I'm able I'll try. I don't know how long I've got left. It's day by day at this point, because no-one will help me get this giant parasite removed. Or get the medical treatment I need. But while I'm at least able, I wanted to get this video done and just show people some of the crazy sounding stuff that I say. That it's all true. It's all extensively documented, but it's not widely known among people who don't look into this kind of stuff. I mean, you have to be doing a lot of research, and yuo have to have at least a reasonable quality in your research, and have a lot of the right skills to be able to weed out one thing from another. To be able to even get into this stuff, to find out. I've known this stuff for a very long time, because I am the focus, the target of this kind of experimentation and stuff. So anyway, I hope you understand the danger I'm on, going to any doctor or hospital at the best of times. Let alone being the founder of Anonymous with a government that wants to make me disappear and shit like that on top of it. I need bodyguards. I need to go to a hospital emergency department with bodyguards to get this fucking parasite removed. But I'm hoping that anyone who is convinced that I'm saying really batshit crazy shit, not even worth looking into. I'm hoping that this can get through to at least one. If it can get through to at least one person to open their eyes to do some research, then it's done its job as I intended. Alright, I could talk for hours and hours on this stuff, but I'm about to pass out again anyway and I've done the little list of articles I wanted to put up. Please look into this. This is going to get increasingly important. And without a miracle, I'm going to be gone any time now. But this stuff will become more and more important, and you're best learning about it now, sooner rather than later. This is tied to everything that's going on in the world, politically, socially. The targeting of certain groups, certain racial groups and stuff like that. This is all for a reason, and it's tied to all the stuff that I said here. And just look at my Facebook wall. So, hopefully I've got a little bit more credibility to those who would not normally consider what I say. I know what I'm talking about, and I didn't get this shit off the internet. This is first hand experience. Shit you wouldn't believe. Look into it, please.